Magic Open House Core Set 2020

Whether you’ve never played a trading card game before or your closet is filled with card games, Magic: The Gathering has something to offer you. Play online or in paper to experience the thrill of a wizards’ duel. Explore 25 years’ worth of stories, characters, and art. Make new friends at Magic events at your local game store. There are lots of ways to be a part of the Magic community, and we’re so happy to have you!

Open House recruits new players with an introductory event that’s designed specifically for them.

New players get a Welcome Deck tutorial and a showcase of both Magic and the social experience of in-store play. Introduce new players to the game with learn-to-play sessions, and invite them to meet your community and explore more of the game with a casual Standard event.

Sunday June 30th, 2019.

Begins at 2pm.



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