Batman and Robin: Year One #1

Batman and Robin: Year One #1

Illustrated by: Chris Samnee

Written by: Mark Waid

Release date: October 15th, 2024

DC Comics

*Minor Spoilers Ahead

REUNITING THE ACCLAIMED TEAM OF MARK WAID AND CHRIS SAMNEE! While Bruce Wayne adjusts to the realities of adopting orphan Dick Grayson, a mysterious new crime boss called the General has come to Gotham to claim the city by disrupting and destroying its other mobs. But what is his connection to Two-Face? Batman and his new sidekick, Robin, are out for answers, but it’ll take everything they have to navigate both sides of their relationship as father and son and dynamic duo, with Dick Grayson’s present and future hanging in the balance!

I’m really excited to see Mark Waid and Chris Samnee back together for Batman and Robin: Year One #1. It’s been years since they’ve teamed up, and their chemistry is just as strong as ever. Waid’s writing and Samnee’s art combine to create something really special in this comic. What I love most is how different Batman feels here compared to the usual “I’m vengeance” version we’ve been getting for a while. He’s still serious, of course, but there’s a noticeable difference when he’s around Robin. There’s more warmth, more depth, and it makes the father-son dynamic between Bruce and Dick stand out in a way that feels fresh.

Robin, by contrast, brings so much lightness and energy to the story. You can feel that youthful excitement coming from Dick Grayson, which adds a nice balance to Batman’s usual demeanor. They really play off each other well, and it makes their partnership a lot of fun to follow.

As I read this issue, I couldn’t help but feel like I was watching an episode of Batman: The Animated Series. The pacing, the mood—it just has that classic feel. Adding Two-Face into the mix, along with a new villain called the General (not to be confused with the Captain Atom villain of the same name), really gives the story an edge, but it’s handled in a way that doesn’t overwhelm. Instead, it enhances the emotional stakes, especially with Dick’s future being such a focal point.

This title is is the cure for any Bat-fan that is ready for a new and exciting Batman (well along with Absolute Batman). Samnee’s art pops off the page, giving every scene a sense of movement and life, while Waid nails the dialogue and the heart of these characters. It’s easily one of the best Batman stories I’ve read in a long time, and I’m already looking forward to the next issue.

Batman and Robin: Year One #1 is available on our new comic book wall and can also be placed on your weekly pull list.


A Fresh, New(ish), Take on the Dynamic Duo

Colors - 9.6
Design - 9.8
Illustration - 9.8
Narrative - 9.8
Subplot - 9.5


Mark Waid and Chris Samnee reunite to deliver a vibrant take on the early days of Batman and Robin. With a mysterious new villain, the General, shaking up Gotham, this story brings fresh energy to the iconic duo’s relationship and crime-fighting adventures.

Genre: Superhero
Series: Batman and Robin: Year One | Illustrated by Chris Samnee
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